Since we were trading in two bikes, Sweets and me both rode over to the dealership, (Metric Cycles, Tulsa, OK) so we had to ride two up on the way back home, this was fun. I'm on a bike I've never rode before with Sweets on the back, and it's lite, very lite, GVW is 774 lbs, like I said, mini-bike. After about two blocks, I had to tell her to sit real still, because any wiggle of her cute butt sent the bike in motion. It's not really a two up kinda bike and once I find a book rack I like the rear seat and pegs are history, I trust Sweets on it, but I'm leary of her and someone else on it. I'm not going to do any tweaking untill after the 500 mile break in, Sweets has already commented on how quiet it is, I seem to be rubbing off on her that way, that should give me some time to see how well it runs. The one thing I am going to start working on is mounting a set of vintage hardbags I have, I've got to do a little refurbishing and painting, so it'll be a bit before they're on, but I think they will really set the bike off.
Now, onto the issues. Only one so far. I filled it up yesterday and later that evening Sweets complained that she was smelling gas from somewhere, I thought it was just the gas can sitting by the back door, so she moved it but that didn't help, so I went looking. I had the bike sitting under the awning behind the house and when I went out I noticed a big wet spot under the bike. Turns out the gasket for the fuel sensor was pooched.

Of course, I'm out there by flashlight, because the motion sensing porch light keeps turning off, trying to drain the gas and keep it from running all over the bike. I finally got the tank off and enough drained out so that I could set it on it's nose and that's how it spent it's first night at home.

This morning, I cleaned everything up and used some gasket sealant on the rubber gasket that was there, it pooched again while I was finger tightening the bolts, so I said screw that and when to O'Rellys and got some regular gasket material and made a new gasket for it. It's setting out in the garage right now curing, later this afternoon, I'll go out and put it all back together again.
Since the V-Star is gone, I've got to get my butt in high gear and finish the CB750ss, not a whole lot left to do, but lots of little things to tie up, so it looks like I'll be sporting the GV250 to work a few days this week, especally tommorow because I want to keep an eye on that sensor and make sure it's not leaking.
OK, that's about it for now, got some shopping to do and then work on the CB750ss the rest of the day.
Catch ya all later.
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