Friday, January 26, 2007

Another week is over with.

I gotta tell ya, 50 hour work weeks really suck. I'm glad it's over for a couple of days, of course now the house work begins, I got a head start by cleaning up most of the kitchen and after I finish this post I'll go back and finish the other half and put away the dishes that just finished up. Sweety is just getting home right now, I can tell because I hear the truck and the dogs are stirring. Oh well, see ya all later.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My Garage

I posted awhile back that I had finally got my garage back. Well, I have now spent several days cleaning and organizing and it looks pretty good. The V-Star sets on the left side, I have to keep it in there for now because I keep it plugged into a battery tender. My chopper is setting on the right side, looking a bit rough right now, because I haven't been able to work on her because it's been too damn cold and the garage is not insulated or heated. Two problems hopefully that will be solved by next winter.

Once again into the payroll fray

Well, I found out something today that explained why my check was screwed up, it turns out it was my fault. I had a small bout with the flu bug last week and took Monday off as a sick day, now up till now all the companies I've worked for had the same policy - If you call in before work starts, the absent is noted and approved. Appears that at my current employer, they still want you to call in, but after you get back you have to fill out a form stating that you want the hours you missed taken from your sick time hours. In other words, if you call in sick, you still have to request sick time afterwards. Kinda silly I think, also a pain in the butt when no one bothers to inform you that you have to do that, all I was told was that you had to call in and let the boss know. Plus I forgot that I had went home early on that Friday due to the ice/sleet storm and that I was riding the bike at the time.

Oh well, lession learned. Now because of this I've started keeping track of my hours and hour usage in my schedule book that I carry with me at all times now.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Payroll screwed me again

Ya know, sometimes I just get fed up with blaten stupidy. The payroll dept. where I work has screwed up my paycheck once again and it's going to be Monday before I can get it straightened out. They processed my check through with only about half my hours on it. The damn thing is annoying enough to figure out to begin with. Instead of filling in the regular and overtime hours like any normal company would, they have this thing about refiguring the hours. I'll explain using round numbers.

Normal company's math
(40 regular hours * $10/hr) + (10 ot hours * $15/hr) = $550

My company's math
(50 regular hours * $10/hr) + (10 ot hours * $5/hr) = $550

Now, while this does add up to the same total, it doesn't make any sence to me why they do it this way, I mean it's not like they have to do any real math, everything is entered into a computer that does all the math and then prints out our checks. In general this does work fine when I work a full week with no sick/holiday/missed days in it, I know my check should read 50 and 10, but if you through anything odd into the mix, you have to stop and calculate what your hours and payrate should be. And it never fails, if you do take some time off, your check is going to be screwed up, I had a bout of stomach flu last weekend and ended up taking monday off as a sick day, needless to say my check was all screwed up, they only payed me for 27.8 hours of regular time. Don't ask me how they ended up with this number, I worked the rest of the week. I should have had 32 hours of regular time and 8 hours sick time. I can't wait to see next weeks check, it should be for 40 regular hours and 3 ot hours, but there's no telling what it will end up being.

My rant for the day, thank you for listening.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I hate insurance companies!!!

Yep, that's right I hate them all. Every last stinking one of them. They're all a bunch of money hungry, stab you in the back a-holes (pardon my french).

This opinion has of course come from trying to get a new rate quote tonight, I've been at it for about two hours now and still haven't gotten anything worth looking at, or the systems have been down and not able to process my request at the moment. I think they do that just to get all you info so that they can put you on the tele-markerter list so that somebody can call and bug you all hours of the day/night. They all talk about how fast and easy it is to logon and get a rate quote, what they don't tell you is that they want a life history on you before they tell you that thier system is down or not working at the moment. Big buch of sorry loosers as far as I'm concerned.

Enough bitching for now, I think it's time for something fun.
