Saturday, January 06, 2007

I hate insurance companies!!!

Yep, that's right I hate them all. Every last stinking one of them. They're all a bunch of money hungry, stab you in the back a-holes (pardon my french).

This opinion has of course come from trying to get a new rate quote tonight, I've been at it for about two hours now and still haven't gotten anything worth looking at, or the systems have been down and not able to process my request at the moment. I think they do that just to get all you info so that they can put you on the tele-markerter list so that somebody can call and bug you all hours of the day/night. They all talk about how fast and easy it is to logon and get a rate quote, what they don't tell you is that they want a life history on you before they tell you that thier system is down or not working at the moment. Big buch of sorry loosers as far as I'm concerned.

Enough bitching for now, I think it's time for something fun.


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