Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The middle of the week

Well, it's the middle of the week, for most people that doesn't mean a whole lot, but for me it's my day off. When you work for a bike shop, you usually don't work 9 to 5 monday to friday, most bike shops are open tuesday to saturday, our's is open mon, tues, thurs, fri, and sat. So this means I get wed. off. It does mess with life a bit, since I don't have off two consective days in a row, but it's how we're set up so I live with it.

Anyhow, it was a balmy 45 deg outside today with only a mild breeze, so I did what any crazy motorcycle rider does, I got a bike out and rode it around today doing my errands. Yep, everybody thought I was nuts, got a few stares from people in cars most likely wondering what kind of nutcase would ride in this weather. LOL I don't care, it was a nice day and in my leathers I was warm as could be.

Oh well, not much else happened today, just another normal wed.

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