Well, keep the first part short, my Dad and me had a discussion about the garage, his thoughts were to tear it down and build a new one, after explaining that the current garage was grandfathered under the current building codes and that the only thing wrong with the old one was the doors, we went out today and bought new doors. Let me tell you, garage doors ain't cheap! But, we came across a deal at Home Depot, they had a two sets of matching doors the right size that had been returned minus about half the hardware needed to install them, so we did some talking and ended up getting the whole mess for $250 bucks, the doors were originally $300 bucks apiece. These are some nice doors too, two inch thick steel clad insulated doors. :)) Well, after getting them home and inventorying what was there,I had everything new for one door except for a couple of brackets. Not a problem, considering that the east door never gets opened, I've got a work table and one of my toolboxes up against it now and the door is locked down so that it won't raise. I spent today taking down the west door and installing the new one, had to do a little engineering with the brackets at the top to get it all to work. Had real fun doing that since the instructions didn't mention which way they had referenced left and right, turns out that it is looking at the door from the inside. With a little help from a Hilti hammer drill that I borrowed from my nephew I was able to get the door up and almost working, remember that left/right thing I mentioned. I've got to switch the two bottom roller brackets around, right now the door will only go up about two thirds the way up and gets stuck. Oh well, that's tommorow nights job fixing that, by the time I got that far I was beat, so I just called it a night. The other door gets to wait until wensenday.
That's about it for tonight, I'm beat and I think I'm going to call it a night early. Asta.
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