Friday, February 23, 2007

yada, yada, yada

It's 4am, it's friday. Not much can be said about that.

The shop is back on 50 hour weeks, the only reason I heard was that PR wasn't happy that only a couple of the electricans were coming in on voluntary ot, it wouldn't suprise me if that was the case. Granted, since no one seems to know where LC vanished to, and JB is going to nights week after next, I'm gonna need 50 hours to keep up, normally with two of us things run sweet, neither of us has to crazy rush to get things done, just keep a steady pace all day, but with only one, well it can get hetic.

And Sweety is on the trail of a 450 Rebel again, or at least something similar. I hope I can find something for her real soon.

I'm outta here, gotta finish getting ready for work.

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