Well, today was interesting riding weather. This morning it was about 40 deg. and raining on the way to work, then about midday it switched to snow. All the guys were asking me how I was going to get home, I just answered, "The same way I got here, right down the expressway." I cruised home doing about 45-50 mph, it wasn't too bad, had a few spots where I felt the rear wheel skid a bit, but I kept it upright and made it home safe and sound.
Most don't believe me when I say it's safer on the expressway, than on the city streets. But, if you look at the conditions, you'd see it is.
Expressway Riding Conditions
1. Everybody is going the same direction.
2. No stop and go traffic to deal with.
3. No side streets or parking lots for an idiot to blast out of.
4. In the case of snow & ice, it's usually cleared before the city streets are.
5. On the expressway the minimum speed is 40 mph, the average posted speed limit on city streets is 40 mph in Tulsa.
6. No 90 deg hard turns, nice swooping ramps.
7. Most people, when they see a crazy fool riding a bike on the expressway in the snow try to stay as far away from him as possible! LOL
See ya on the flipside, they're talking ice in the morning.
1 comment:
Whatch out for that friggin Ice! I don't want to read about you on here being in the hospital.
Did you get my email?
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