Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Weekend

    Been kinda busy this weekend mostly due to the weather, we had some major wind & rain yesterday, so it was a good day to stay inside and get some things done.  I got a bonus from work and we filed our federal taxes early by e-file, so we got our return back in a couple of days so Sweety and me had a little extra money, so we did a little shopping, actually we did a lot of shopping.  Bought a new recliner and loveseat for the living room, and a "Room in a Bag" kit for the bedroom, along with some new curtain rods.
    These "Room in a Bag" kits age nice, they were either designed by a guy or a woman that really used to having a guy do the shopping, almost everything you need to setup a bedroom is in the bag, comforter, fancy pillow cases, the little fru-fru pillows, bed ruffle, curtains, and table cover,  all you really need to buy extra is regular pillow cases, bed sheets and two curtain rods.  yes I realize this is all sounding a bit strange, LOL, but I felt the rest of you guys could use this info.  One of the main reasons I think it was designed by a guy is the curtains, most of us that live with a lady will understand this issue - hanging curtains.  When hanging the fru-fru curtains, you have to put up a rod for the shear curtain (the thin, kinda see through ones), then a rod for the regular curtains, then another one for the valance panel (the little short thing that goes across the top), so that's three different types of rods that you have to hang just right, so that it all looks right.  With these curtains on the other hand, they're all made together as one piece, that means one rod to get centered, level and at the right height.  Like I said, had to be designed by a guy, it's all in one bag, and for the most part makes logical sense.
    So anyway, Sweety and me put out most of it the night we bought it, but had to wait on the curtains until yesterday's shopping run, when I picked up a nice set of curtain rods.  I decided to be a nice hubby and surprise her by having it all done by the time she got home from work, so out came the tools and I put up the rods and curtains for her, and I flipped the bed up and got the dust ruffle on as well.  Sweety was surprised and tickled that I had hung the curtains and straightened up the bedroom all on my own.  Of course that was yesterday, today is all about cleaning up the rest of the house, which will include carting all my tools back out to the garage.  Speaking of tools, Sweety gave me my anniversary present Friday, a Skil 1-1/4 hp router, I'm a lucky guy, I've got a wife that understands a guys need for tools.  She of course got a pretty set of earrings, which is what she wanted.
    Ok, that's about all for now, time to get to work on the rest of the house.  Catch ya' all later.

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