I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I build industrial control panels for a living. Anyway, I got started for a second time on a big one for JJ, had to stop the first time because as usual we were missing parts namely the 24 VDC power supplies, also as usual for a JJ project. They were supposed to be in today, but they weren't, so I got the measurements for them so I could get the panel layed out and start on the rest of it.
Bit of explantion here, I am one of two full time panel builders, they other one is in charge of the panel shop and has to spend most of his time with all the paperwork, chasing parts, dealing with project managers, etc... He does do work in the shop, he just has to keep it to the smaller panels that don't take a lot of time, so that means I get all the big panels, which doesn't bother me, since one of these will usually keep me occupied for a week easy.
Ok, back to the panel. This one's a 60 x 72 inch panel, kinda the norm for JJ, a pair of 17 slot PLC racks and a buttload of terminals. I took a quick look at the layout and spent the next couple of hours laying out and mounting the wireways and din rail (it's what the terminals and other bits clip to) that's when I start on my terminal count for each rail and realize that true to form JJ's draftsman has screwed the pooch again and the actual terminal count and markings don't match up with the layout drawings and he's even screwed up several of the terminal markings as well. So, first thing tommorow I'll spend probally a hour going through the entire wiring diagram and redoing the terminal layout, hopefully it will fit on the the panel.
Oh well, in other words, a normal day at the shop for me. LOL

I feel like doing this to some of these draftsmen, I haven't found one yet that actually checks his work.
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