Monday, June 04, 2007

I feel like do-do

Couldn't get to sleep last night, went to bed at 9pm, Sweets came to bed shortly after. The neighbors decided it was time to make noise, finnaly at 10pm I decided to get up and see what the hell was going on, couldn't figure out what N. was doing, but apparently they saw me standing at the frint door and decided to quit for the night, so I went back to bed and layed there for another hour listening to the various sound in my house: the chain on the ceiling fan ticking, Jazz's stomach doing I don't know what, Damien was coughing and hacking, and of course Morgan snoreing like a bear. I felt like I wa in a sound stuido durning the mixing for the latest Ailen movie. I ended up putting in my earplugs, they helped a little. Then 4am comes and Sweets alarm goes off. I think I only ended up with about 3 hours of sleep last night. Of course today is Monday, so we all know how that will go. Time to get things ready for work, I'd like to be able to get at least one cig in after I get there, before I hit the line.

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